Category: Cat Behavior
The whole family suffers when a beloved companion animal dies. People aren’t the only ones who grieve—other household animals often miss and grieve their absent friend. Cats can become depressed and anxious when a companion they were bonded to dies or is separated from them. The companion can be another cat, dog or a person […]
10.14.12 Help your newly adopted cat adjust to her new home by first confining her to one room. Equip the get-acquainted room with food, litter box, water, toys, cat trees and comfortable places to sleep. While she’s adjusting in her room, spend time with her. Build bonds: play, read out loud, take naps with her […]
10.08.12 It can be hard to tell if a cat is sick or in pain. If your can starts behaving differently then usual, take the cat to the vet. Even subtle changes in behavior can be symptomatic of a serious medical problem.
I am very sad today. In about one hour I will be leaving for the veterinarian, taking Kingsley, my lovely, sweet cat to the vet one last time. He won’t be coming home. I am sad and weepy. It has to be this way. Kingsley has lymphoma. The disease has progressed quickly—it’s now time for […]
09.17.12 Hard sided carriers that come apart are great choices for the trip to the veterinarian. The tops can be taken off, making it easier for the veterinarian to examine the cat while she is in the carrier.
Today I met an adorable kitten—a 12 week old orange fluff ball, appropriately named Fluffer, who had been adopted when she was 8 weeks old. This tiny little ball of fur was terrorizing her adoring humans, biting and scratching whenever she wanted to play. According to the sleep-deprived cat parents, the only down time they […]
09.02.12 Help cats adjust to their carriers by placing them permanently in areas where the cats have access to them. Make them fun places to hang out, by feeding treats and playing with your cat in and around the carriers. More on cats and carriers in my latest blog.
Many cats and their favorite people view cat carriers with trepidation. As soon as the carrier looms into view the cats hastily retreat as far away as possible, usually securing themselves in hard to reach places. A typical scenario is one where stressed cat parents risk injury while chasing, cornering and then depositing their cat […]
No. Well maybe… there are exceptions. As a general rule, I recommend against using laser pointers when playing with cats. I don’t like them because they frustrate cats. Cats need to catch their prey, to have the satisfaction of feeling their hard earned prize beneath their paws. Because cats can’t catch the elusive beam of […]
08.11.12 Litter boxes should not be placed together in one location. They need to be in different areas of your home so that your cat has a choice of which box to use.