Cat Behavior Blog: Beginnings

Sudan & Marilyn
Welcome to my blog. This is a new adventure for me... blogging... I've never blogged. I do write a weekly cat behavior column for the Cat Channel and a monthly column for Cat Fancy Magazine. Blogging is a new experience for me.
Naturally, I plan to write about cat behavior and about training cats. Yes, I do train cats. I might surprise myself and everyone else by writing about another species, but that’s doubtful. I will provide cat behavior tips from time-to-time and I plan to write about some of the unique cats that I meet and their relationships with their people. Since I am the coordinator of California Bengal Cat Rescue, there will be posts about rescue and sometimes highlights about some of the fascinating cats I help find homes for. I will also write about Bengals, Savannahs and other domestic cats. It’s hard to say where my blog adventure will take me, but it will be fun and it will be unique.
Congratulations on the new blog, Marilyn! What a wonderful addition to your site! I'm going to blog about it on the TCS blog, to let our readers know about it!
Thank you Anne! I'm glad you found it.
I have 5cats.There are dogs close to my house .Evey time they kills my cats.There I need another shelter for my cats.If anybody want my cats please inform me.Or know cat shelter at west India.
cat change behavior
I am in need of some advice on dealing with my cat's aggressive behavior. Houdini is a rescue and was born in a kill shelter and I adopted him July 16 2011. He is and indoor cat, 13 pounds, just over 1 year old and definitely has Norwegian Forest Cat in him. He attacks unprovoked (if I am on computer or phone, ignoring him) or when playing with him. He can be very lovable but changes moods quickly. He's also very vocal and demanding of my attention. This is the first cat I have owned who has quite a dominant personality with tendency to bite and scratch. I have provided many interactive toys, play times, cat tower, condo and Houdini currently wears a pheromone calming collar for the past few weeks. My vet wants me to take him to a behaviorist but I don't have the money right now...thoughts? Suggestions would be appreciated.